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Zoltan Lehoczky

Frontend Developer with more than 6 years of professional experience.

Noteworthy Projects

Szikra Movement's website

I'm the creator and maintainer of the Szikra Movement's website.

The site was built to be as fast and as cost-effective as it can be: it doesn't require any server at runtime, not even for the CMS. Jamstack at its best.

Apro Scrape

Apro Scrape is a web scraper for the hungarian hardverapro.hu website, which was built to sell used hardware.

I originally built it when I was looking to buy a new phone and got frustrated when every good deal was posted at the exact time period when I didn't look at the site 😒

PostCSS Fluid

PostCSS Fluid is a CSS plugin that lets you change the size of CSS units based on the browser window's size without media queries.

It creates a linear interpolation between two values to achieve a "fluid" change betwwen those values.

Here is my Demo site to check it out: postcss-fluid | Demo

I'm passionate about...


An estimated 16% of the global population has a significant disability.

I care about these peaple too! I'm familiar with the WAI-ARIA Guidelines, and automated accessibility tools like Axe to create websites that can be used by everyone!


Doing the same things again and again can be frustrating.

Because of this, I always lead initiatives to automate whatever workflow we can. It can be about environent setups, code quality checks, or even some browser automation scripts.


Sites that load faster have greater pageviews per visit and lower bounce rates. They are also better for the planet.

That's why I'm familiar with code bundlers, tree-shaking and web performance metrics like LCP, CLS, TTFB.


I've done mentoring at every company where I've worked. I've helped junior devs to learn frontend development, hosted training courses and created presentations.

For example, you can view my talk at the Betsson Frontend Meetup (2024) on YouTube.